Writing is Worse Than . . .

Welcome Second Semester Seniors!!!

I am excited to begin the online blogging experience with you.  Once you’ve had the chance to take the steps to initiate your blogs, it’s time to write your first post.



Writing is worse than…

 To answer the question, think about which part of the writing process do you detest.  Could it be brainstorming? Creating a thesis statement? Outlining? The whole process?? Revising? It can be anything else…

Then, compare that part of the process to something else that’s terrible. Clearly explain the connection between the two.   This is key!!   (this is where the “Writing is worse than . . . ” part comes in)


– One paragraph (at least seven sentences)

– One picture inserted (either your own OR a copyright safe one)

– Creative Non-Fiction Category

DUE:  by class on Monday, 1/26

Refer to the “Blogging Instructions” for help.